Since we only hear a tiny range of sound frequencies, do you suppose there exists music we cannot hear? If so, who or what is creating it?
In response to this question the other night, my friend Jason spoke of the “music of the spheres.”
Originally postulated by Pythagoras in the sixth century B.C., the term refers to the movement of celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, stars, and planets. The basic concept (stripped of MANY nuances and subtleties) is that all of these heavenly entities emit sounds or “hums” as they orbit each other, interacting in a vast cosmic dance across lightyears of space.
Though this exquisitely synchronized, ineffably harmonic music is not perceptible to our ears, it has profound impacts on our perceptions and moods, and indeed the unfolding of our lives, and of human history.

Inspired by Jason’s explanation, I was moved to burst into this song!
Lulu joined in with me. (She sings well.)
We are created by sound
We are created by the song of the universe.
Singing with the trees
Singing with the song of the universe
Singing with the whales
Singing with the honeybees
All creation sings …
All creation sings …
We are created by sound
We are created by the song of the universe
(Words and music by Alexa Sunshine Rose.)
— Marc
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