Until last night, I’d played Higher Thought: The Cannabis Game via Zoom a couple times, but never with more than two other people.

Thinking I might want to start hosting Higher Thought game meetups on Zoom once or twice a month, I decided to try it first with a small group of friends. I invited seven people and five showed up! That made six of us, including me.
A generous presence
I noticed something that I often noticed back in the old days when we could have Higher Thought gatherings in person. What I noticed is that you have to “bring a little something” to a Higher Thought game in order for it to spark.
You have to be willing to let the questions sink in and really try to answer them, and you have to really be interested in what other people have to say. And that is an effort, because in our culture, the first reflexive response to the introduction of an earnest topic is usually skepticism and dismissive humor. Flippant easy answers. Sardonic attitude. (Though the questions make it a little difficult, you can take that attitude with Higher Thought as you can with anything else.)
The generosity in everyone’s presence during last night’s game felt poignant, even more so over Zoom than “in real life.” (Not that the generosity of presence was greater on Zoom than in person; it just seemed more conspicuous and remarkable.) There was a peculiar, cozy, “time out” quality to the conversation, and I felt love and gratitude.
Afterward, I received this beautiful note from my friend Dan, who always brings a willingness and kind, spacious presence to the Higher Thought game. Dan wrote:
Thanks for that. What a fun time had by all. It makes quarantine a pleasure and self-distancing livable + I love the smart, bright, and deep souls the game draws and am humbled to be amongst them.
The Meetups Are Coming! The Meetups Are Coming!
I’m going to try and host two games per month over Zoom (though don’t hold me to it). I’ll announce the next one publicly so keep your eye on this newsletter. I will need to limit participation to 8 people or so, but the call will go out to everyone and we’ll see who responds.
You can host a game too of course. (And invite me if you feel like it!)
Oh, and About this “Crisis” We’re In…
I almost didn’t want to write anything this week because the guy who wrote this essay from Emergence magazine said everything I could have possibly ever wanted to say right now. One of the most beautiful essays I’ve ever read in my entire life … Please read it. You’ll feel better, and for good reason.
Seriously. I mulled over just sending a newsletter that said “read this.” That’s how good this piece is.
Peace out. See you online perhaps.
[…] Then there was my brother-in-law, Jim, dying of it, alone in a care facility. There was Zoom. Netflix. Jokes. Funny videos. […]