Everybody’s Got One
A friend sent me a video the other day of a guy giving a speech to a crowd, about how the globalist/socialists like Bill Gates and George Soros are pushing for Universal Basic Income as a means to make people dependent on government. Then, if people refuse to get vaccinated, the government can withhold their allowance.
I forgot why he said the government wants to vaccinate everyone – or maybe I didn’t even get to that part – but it was definitely not for health reasons.

Meanwhile, a ghoulish cabal of Trump lawyers led by Rudy Guiliani is alleging that a multistate (or is it nationwide?) conspiracy stole the election for Biden. I dread to think how many Americans believe them.
There’s even some sort of numbers theory out there – Benford’s Law, it’s called – something about how “naturally occurring sets of numbers” will always show up – and this law “proves” that Biden’s votes were fake, because the quantities in which they appeared didn’t fit the pattern. Something like that. Complicated. (Reuters refutes the argument, in case you’re interested.)
A different friend has forwarded me links to “documentary” videos and articles that claim COVID is a hoax, and masks are an Orwellian form of social control.
Yet another friend linked me to several sources “proving” that COVID was invented in a lab in China, with our own government’s cooperation.
Don’t even get me started on Q-Anon and what they believe.
We used to say “Maybe he (or she) also thinks they faked the moon landing” as a way of suggesting someone was nuts. But now, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of my Facebook friends suggested seriously that the moon landing was indeed phony. I mean, how do I know if humans really landed on the moon?
Do YOU know? Do you REALLY know? I mean, come on … were you there? So how do you really know?
I Want One Too
Perhaps there exist multiple simultaneous realities! Might we now be experiencing some sort of rupture in the fabric of the cosmos, such that different time continuums are overlapping, causing chaos? (Like maybe Biden won the election in one continuum and Trump won in the other, and now these two continuums are merging, and only the Supreme Court can decide which continuum must obtain.)
But honestly, I’m not worried about that. I have to say, I believe in facts. Reality may be far more subtle and deep and complex than we can apprehend, but I’m convinced the universe is coherent, and that certain facts about the world are true for all of us. A whole bunch of them, in fact. Like — the sun will come up tomorrow. I mean, I could go on and on.
That said, there is no reason I can’t make up my own conspiracy theory, is there? It might be true! I figure it has at least as much a chance of being true as Rudy Guiliani’s bullshit and he’s got tens of millions of believers, so why can’t I have a cult following too, especially if my conspiracy theory is more plausible and more pleasant?
And actually … seriously … to be PERFECTLY honest … what I’m about to say really IS true!
I was only kidding when I said I was making it up. This is channeled information, though I can’t reveal my sources or it would drive you mad.
In fact, read on at your own peril.
The world is actually run by a highly sophisticated cadre of angels. Every single experience you have, every thought you think, every dream you dream is calculated to bring about your very best interests, even if it doesn’t look that way. Even your deepest anguish is for your own good — your evolution into a more sublime state of being. What the angels understand that maybe you don’t is that all your suffering is temporary, and the ultimate payoff is brilliant and exalted beyond your wildest imagination. And the same thing is true for everyone and everything. We are all here to be divine teachers to one another, willingly or no. Every being is an instrument of the angelic will, from microbes to insects to elephants. There is no escape. It’s all under control. Even free will is contained within this totalitarian angelic agenda.
Sorry if this is upsetting, but you wanted the straight dope, right?
I could have spared you, I could have spared the whole world, I could have kept this information to myself, but it’s time for humanity to face the Truth.
What’s Yours?
New Higher Thought question: What’s YOUR conspiracy theory?
If it doesn’t totally scare the hell out of us, we might just publish it in our next newsletter.
Give it a whirl. And please let us know if a) you’re okay with us publishing your conspiracy theory; and b) if we publish it, whether you’d like to be named or to remain anonymous.
Thanks! Keep the faith.
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