As Our Explorations Continue …

My friend Gene Latimer sent out the message below via email last week. I can’t even imagine a kinder, more appropriate new year blessing and reminder.
Thank you, Gene, for permission to reprint your words of insight and clarity. (Big love and bows of respect to you from Higher Thought, brother!)
Truly Being HERE NOW
…letting go and letting it be
Saying these perspectives in such a violent, polarized, divisive, tragic and often-insane world can seem odd … but it is the truth of my experiences living these almost-82 years.
I sense that I was born into a benevolent, ultra-supportive world.
The atoms, molecules and cells of life seem to “want” me to flourish…even intend for me to blossom in my full potential.
Yes, I have gotten sidetracked over the years…and even decades…on how ‘crappy’ some bothersome aspect was … yet that was just my oh-so-human mind making up a “story”.
The great gift of this lifetime has been coming to utterly trust my breath…which does not deal in “stories”.
Breath only embraces HERE-ness and NOW-ness … so that has become my personal guide.
Wishing you fruitful explorations at this turning of the year.
Blessings & Namasté,
And Finally … At the Cusp of a New Year … A Prayer if You Want It
Here is my prayer for you if you want it
You do not have to accept this prayer in advance
You don’t have to believe in this prayer
You don’t have to feel you deserve this prayer
You can take what you like and leave the rest of this prayer
You can evaluate this prayer later and figure out what you want to keep and what you would prefer to discard, from this prayer
You can enjoy the words, or you can ignore the words
You can disrespect this prayer and this prayer won’t mind
You do not have to like me personally to take any part of this prayer as your own
You do not have to give anything back to this prayer
I pray that your heart be infused with ecstatic shining peace
I pray you should know that you are loved and cherished forever beyond your mind’s capacity to comprehend
I pray you forgive yourself everything, immediately
I pray your forgiveness flows into each new moment
I pray you never fight with your mind again
I pray your body and mind give you pleasure and rest
I pray all your wounds are revealed as gifts
I pray that every gift is a jewel
I pray that the journey of healing is itself the great prize
I pray we all get through this time of darkness and I pray you find a jewel for yourself in these dark times that was meant specifically for you
I pray you find the courage to face yourself
I pray you find the treasure behind your mind
I pray you have pleasant dreams the next time you sleep
I pray that your essential itch is scratched for good
I pray you have mind blowing sex every single day
I pray you know the laughter that arises from the heart
I pray you surrender to what you create, and that you create masterfully
I pray you know a destiny and a world that is even more beautiful than your dreams’ wildest dreams
I pray we all wake up to be that world
I pray your inner child does a dance of joy around your heart’s fire tonight
Happy new year!
Love always,
Susan, Jill, Marc
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