A friend of mine once suggested that maybe what we’re really here to do is to FEEL, that that’s our primary human task (or one of them anyway).
I believe she was implying that other things naturally follow from there.
I don’t know. It may seem facile – perhaps disgracefully so – after the recent shooting. But all I’m doing is feeling. I can’t even write much about it, and I’m certainly not “getting active” or screaming about it. I’m grateful that there are people doing my screaming for me, more eloquently than I can.
Thoughts and Prayers
The “thoughts and prayers” of politicians and NRA folk and others who have stood in the way of tighter gun control have (rightfully, I think) become a target for disgust and mockery.
My friend Mike shared this tweet with me via email. Great stuff. This young Floridian man really takes it to Wayne LaPierre and at first no one at the NRA convention even gets the sarcasm. Some of them even applaud when he’s done.
And then there’s this brilliant photo – maybe we can even call it a meme – that another friend posted on Facebook.

Weird how something can strike you as gratifyingly witty and twist you inside at the same time.
Are “Feelings” Equally Absurd?
If, absent action, thoughts and prayers are a sick joke, then what about feelings?
What right have I to feel if I’m not going to DO anything?
(What a weird thought! Do I need to earn the right to feel?)
I look at the faces of those recently-deceased kids in the pictures.
I don’t blame you if you don’t want to look too.
My friend John wrote: “I’m getting more in touch with how feeling is in my body and is also non-local, in the collective, in the quantum field, so it is not just a personal thing. And it seems to be the only way to heal personal and collective trauma.”
I suspect he may be on to something.
It’s probably ok for right now to just feel.
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