Two delightful men, Dan and Marty, independently of one another (and of me), trekked up the mountain last Saturday to play the Higher Thoughtgame atop Mt. Tabor. The three of us achieved communion quickly and without effort.
Marty called the game, “a shortcut to cosmic.”
At one point, a question was drawn that Marty chose not to answer. I didn’t mind.

“Thanks for letting me skate on that one,” he said.
But I wasn’t “letting him skate” at all. The game instructions even say “The spirit of Higher Thought: The Cannabis Game is one of allowing. No one is required to answer any question, although everyone should have an opportunity.”
There are situations in life – authentic relating circles and so on – where it is customary to probe when people are shy. I am fine with that too. There is a time and place for probing and making people a tad uncomfortable maybe. But the Higher Thought game was not conceived to be like that.
In that sense, it’s very much a stoner game. Live and let live.
A Time of Allowing
Susan and I were both letting loose with some negative feelings about the Glazed Orange Monster during our Skype meeting the other day. We went on and on about it for a while. “But is this ‘higher thought’?” I mused, since this was a Higher Thought business meeting, after all.
Susan replied, “The ability to be honest about one’s feelings and expectations is a healthy personal release.”
So we allowed ourselves to be as negative as we wanted for a little while, before moving into some productive stuff.
Susan also reflected on the difference between denial and positive thinking (which could be a Higher Thought question, come to think of it): “Denial is not seeing what’s right in front of you. A positive outlook is being able to imagine the best for the future and behave as if it might come true.”
Pretty precise, I’d say!
Unearthing a Question
I have files and files of Higher Thought questions that Jill and I came up with which didn’t make the final cut. One of them was something like, “What do you depend on?” (We did use “What do you feel entitled to?” which is a bit similar.)
Well, I depend on fresh air, for sure. The air quality in Portland is hazardous right now and will be for the entire weekend, according to the weather report. That means I can’t do my daily Mt. Tabor hike. (I mean, I could, but it would unkind to my lungs.)
I don’t think so well when I can’t get my daily constitutional walk in. Hard to bring my mind to focus on work (I work at home, writing.)
So I had to allow myself to get almost nothing done today. And I even thought I might have to allow myself to not write a newsletter.
But then I realized I could write about the spirit of allowing.
I hope you allow yourself to do something – or not do something – this weekend, and that you don’t give yourself a hard time about it in your mind.
The Next Meetup
I loved meeting in the park, but as Dan pointed out, I made him and Marty climb to the top of a mountain to play. Next time I won’t do that. I’ll find a spot that’s easier to access.
When the smoke clears, I’ll make a plan and let you know. Hope to see you at the next game. Thanks again for being there on Saturday, Dan and Marty. You guys are fantastic!
Stay strong and safe, everyone.
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